The logo of the Liga Nacional Puertorriqueña: a big sky-blue circle, bordered in red and white, surrounding a smaller circle of darker blue with white borders, superimposed on which is a red-and-white nautical star that hosts the acronym "LNP" in black block letters.

Gaceta de la Liga Nacional Puertorriqueña

150 years of the best baseball in the universe—all in one place.

The logo of the Fieles de Lares: a white "L" in Old English type, bordered in black, is accompanied by a single white star with the same treatment, symbolizing the town of Lares. Behind them, on a blue circle, stand 77 stars that are barely opaque against the blue; they're surrounded by a white circle, which itself is surrounded by a dark red one.

Fieles de Lares

The War for the Republic officially began with a major uprising in Lares against the Spanish colonial government, which earned the town undying gratitude from some, undying hatred from others, and, perhaps, most importantly, an excellent name for their baseball team.

Campeonatos de la LNP


Liga Betances pennants


Campeonatos de las Ligas


Series Interdivisionales


Series Eliminatorias


División Cordillera Oeste titles


Wild card berths


Affiliated Teams (1916-)

New Braunfels Yodelers (San Marcos Circuit, LoFF)
Meadville Zips (League of Lake Erie, LoGL)
Gritantes de Lares (División Manuel Corchado y Juarbe, LVP)
Academia Municipal de Lares (División Sebastián Reyes, LVN)

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Notable Players


  • Francisco Hernández: 1871-


  • Estadio de Lares: 1871-