The logo of the Liga Nacional Puertorriqueña: a big sky-blue circle, bordered in red and white, surrounding a smaller circle of darker blue with white borders, superimposed on which is a red-and-white nautical star that hosts the acronym "LNP" in black block letters.

Gaceta de la Liga Nacional Puertorriqueña

150 years of the best baseball in the universe—all in one place.

The logo of Liga Betances: a red circle striped with slightly darker red, bordered in black-maroon-black, with the letters "LB" superimposed in maroon spiky gothic font, bordered in white and then black.

Liga Betances

A map of Puerto Rico on which the towns with teams in the Liga Betances are colored in red, with the teams' logos superimposed on the towns.

División del Noroeste

Northwestern Division

The logo of the Arzobispos de Aguada: orange "AA" in a bold font bordered in white and shadowed in gray, on a black circle with gray stripes, bordered in orange-white-orange.

Aguada Archbishops

The logo of the Colmillos de Aguadilla: A navy-blue "A" in a broken font with weird irregular stylings in light blue, against a yellow circle patterned with sets of light blue dashes, bordered in light blue-navy-light blue.

Aguadilla Fangs

The logo of the Rebeldes de Moca: a lowercase "m" in maroon square font, bordered and shadowed in black on a silver circle, bordered in maroon, then black, then maroon.

Moca Rebels

División del Oeste de la Cordillera

Western Mountain Division

The logo of the Fieles de Lares: a white "L" in Old English type, bordered in black, is accompanied by a single white star with the same treatment, symbolizing the town of Lares. Behind them, on a blue circle, stand 77 stars that are barely opaque against the blue; they're surrounded by a white circle, which itself is surrounded by a dark red one.

Lares Loyalists

The logo of the Cítricos de Las Marías: a quirky yellow "LM" bordered in green and then black on an orange circle, bordered in yellow, green, and yellow again.

Las Marías Citrics

The logo of the Cafeteros de Maricao: a white "M" in quirky font bordered in black and then orange, on a brown circle bordered in white-orange-white.

Maricao Coffee Growers

División del Suroeste

Southwestern Division

The logo of the Combatientes de Cabo Rojo: a gold "CR" in a formal serif font, bordered and shadowed in black, on a green circle striped with dark green lines, bordered in gold-black-gold.

Cabo Rojo Combatants

The logo of the Romeros de Hormigueros: a navy "H" in a bold, forbidding typeface on a black circle, bordered in magenta-white-magenta.

Hormigueros Pilgrims

The logo of the Marcianos de Lajas: a green "L" with a triangular bottom drawn up in a sharp angle to the side, bordered in yellow, on a black circle patterned with concentric circles in yellow, bordered in green-yellow-green.

Lajas Martians

División del Centro

Central Division

The team logo of the Galanes de Ciales: a silver circle dotted with embossed silver triangles, on which a capital "G" in a squareish, sharp sans-serif font, in navy, shadowed in black, sits. Pretty boring, huh?

Ciales Gallants

The logo of the Sanisalvos de Morovis: a capital "M" in gold type, shadowed in navy, against a brown circle with narrow dark brown stripes, bordered in gold-navy-gold.

Morovis Safe-And-Sounds

The logo of the Caciques de Orocovis: an orange, wide serif O bordered in black with a tiny strip of yellow around the entire letter, on a forest-green circle bordered in orange-black-orange.

Orocovis Chieftains

División del Norte

Northern Division

The logo of the Lobos de Arecibo: a white "A" in sans-serif triangular font, outlined and shadowed in black, on a red circle bordered in gold-navy-gold.

Arecibo Wolves

The logo of the Canarios de Hatillo: a capital "H" in white Western font with slight protuberances out of the sides and a curved middle stroke, bordered and shadowed in red, on a navy circle bordered in white-dark red-white.

Hatillo Canarians

División del Sur

Southern Division

The logo of the Eléctricos de Guayanilla: a bold red "G" in square type, italicized, on a yellow circle studded with lightning bolts in minimal opacity, bordered in red, then black, then red.

Guayanilla Electrics

The logo of the Güiristas de Peñuelas: a marine blue "P" in modern type, bordered in gold and white, on a black circle lined with dark blue, bordered in marine blue, white and marine blue again.

Peñuelas Güiro Makers

The logo of the Corsos de Yauco: an orange "Y" in a slightly rounded sans serif font, bordered in white and black, on a navy circle bordered in orange, white, orange.

Yauco Corsicans

División de la Metrópolis Sureña

Southern Metro Division

The logo of the Termales de Coamo: a pale golden serif "C" in a gradient of pale gold, outlined in white and black, shadowed in dark blue, on a navy circle bordered in pale gold, white, and pale gold again.

Coamo Thermals

The logo of the Pescadores de Salinas: a navy blue "S" in a wide middle with thin tails, bordered in white and then navy, on a pale blue circle striped with a slightly darker pale blue, bordered in navy-white-navy.

Salinas Fishermen

The logo of the Corceles de Santa Isabel: a black "SI" in block athletic type embossed and bordered in white, shadowed in black, on an orange circle bordered in black-white-black.

Santa Isabel Steeds

División del Este de la Cordillera

Eastern Mountain Division

The logo of the Mulos de Aguas Buenas: a thick red "A" bordered in white on a very, very dark blue circle streaked with small white triangular designs, bordered in white-red-white.

Aguas Buenas Mules

The logo of the Palomas de Cidra: a dark brown "C" in copperplate font, bordered in white, on a red circle gridded with dark red, bordered in coffee-white-coffee.

Cidra Doves

The logo of the Guabaleros de Comerío: an orange "C" in a bold goofy font, bordered in dark red and shadowed, on a turquoise circle bordered in orange, red, and orange.

Comerío Whip Spiders

División de la Costa Norteña

Northern Coast Division

The logo of the Ejemplares de Dorado: a green "D" in bevelled fancy script on a black circle gridded with green, bordered in green-white-green.

Dorado Exemplars

The logo of the Martilleros de Vega Alta: a purple "VA" in an angular font with sharp edges, bordered in white and black, on a golden background with two translucent crossed hammers embossed on the background, bordered with purple, then white, then purple.

Vega Alta Hammerers

The logo of the Cañeros de Vega Baja: "VB" in a dark red tall copperplate font with small protrusions, embossed in bright red and bordered in white, on a navy circle studded with white pin dots, bordered in white, then dark red, then white.