The logo of the Liga Nacional Puertorriqueña: a big sky-blue circle, bordered in red and white, surrounding a smaller circle of darker blue with white borders, superimposed on which is a red-and-white nautical star that hosts the acronym "LNP" in black block letters.

Gaceta de la Liga Nacional Puertorriqueña

150 years of the best baseball in the universe—all in one place.

The logo of the Tortugas de Culebra: a light aquamarine "C" on a dandelion-yellow circle covered in a pattern of golden, bevelled turtle shell, bordered in aquamarine-black-aquamarine.

Tortugas de Culebra

Though Culebra was entirely uninhabited during the colonial era, the Republic of Puerto Rico used it as a hospital and, later, a naval base, and soon discovered that its beautiful beaches with white sand played host to the nests of several species of turtle, most famously the hawksbill.

Mascot: Conchazuda

(concha “tortoiseshell” + cachazuda “phlegmatic”)

No creature has even been more over it than Conchazuda, the mascot of the Tortugas de Culebra. It's a dandelion-yellow turtle, with teal shell and markings along its legs. Its eyes, with similarly teal eyelids, are half-closed in either exhaustion, disdain, or simple placidity. It already forgot you exist. Just move on.

Campeonatos de la LNP


Liga Hostos pennants


Campeonatos de las Ligas


Series Interdivisionales


Series Eliminatorias

1874 • 1901 • 1902 • 1903

División Archipiélago titles

1871 • 1873 • 1874 • 1876 • 1877 • 1896 • 1901 • 1903

Wild card berths


Affiliated Teams (1916-)

Aberdeen Granite (Lìog Ball-stèidhe na h-Alba, C4F)
Matsuyama カワウソ / Otters (Southern League, NYK)
Careyes de Culebra (División Rosendo Matienzo Cintrón, LVP)
Academia Municipal de Culebra (División Hilario Elizarraraz, LVN)

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Notable Players


  • Jorge Dávila: 1871-1877.
  • Noé Pérez: 1877-


  • Parque de Culebra: 1871-1903.
  • El Recóndito: 1903-